FULL FRONTAL PROJECTION revisits and highlights the classic nude form, referencing 50’s and 60’s pinups ... shows flesh and form as perfect canvas and landscape for the human gaze and projection.
Binding the female form in casts of light & shadow projections of color, contemporary design to reflect the consumerist fashion and ever-changing dietry industry manipulating the 21st human form.
Or maybe i am just a Guy With a Camera (GWC), and a perv with a projector. ==B)

TIM CORP In the last couple years, he had taken up photography passion projects, and has already been featured in several
He has worked at studios like Midway Games (Mortal Kombat, Blitz, NBA Showtime, Arctic / Hydro Thunder, TouchMaster), Konami, Playboy, WGN (Cubs), numerous post-house and ad agencies. And has done everything from videogame cinematic's, motion graphics, marketing and advertising, virtual products, architecture, and nightclub design.
In his many artistic incarnations as a contemporary artist, he’s been involved in the creative visuals industry since … err *cough* decades *cough* now. He is a multi-award winning CG Visual Designer, with an Emmy, dozens of ITVA’S, a couple of Videographer's, an Aegis, and a Princeton Art and Science award. As well a plethora of print and design awards.
graduated with a degree in Photography and Animation from Columbia College of Chicago (CCC) in '97. gallery showing in Thailand, like Chiang Mai Photography Group (CMPG) exhibitions and had a three-month solo gallery showing at SangDee Gallery for his light project passion project, #FullFrontalProjection